About Us


We are committed to providing quality care and health improvement within the community.

Working in partnership with the community we serve, to transform primary care in a sustainable way that has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the local population.

A clinician and a patient

Our Vision

Our vision is that we work together to improve the health and prospects of our residents in collaboration with the local health system, voluntary sector, schools and community and local authority – especially social services – to make inroads into inequality and improve life expectancy and years of health.

We aim to ensure the delivery of consistent and high-quality community based care closer to home that:

  • Addresses the inequality in health and wellbeing outcomes between the most and least disadvantaged, keeps people well and healthy, in the place they live and maximises their independence.
  • Delivers integrated, neighbourhood-based networks of services that keep people as healthy and independent as possible, in their home.
  • Builds and delivers community-based services that support people with Long Term Conditions, and needs associated with last year of life, to optimise their quality of life.
  • Drives collaboration across primary and community services to support the health needs of our local population and deliver improvement within our PCN.
  • Builds a strong and sustainable future for our local populations, services and workforce.

Our Values

Our values are that we are:

  • Open and transparent
  • Collaborative
  • Creative/Innovation
  • Community focused
  • Aiming to provide the best quality care and access to that
A wooded area

What is a Primary Care Network?

A Primary Care Network is a group of GP practices who work together with community, mental health, social care, and voluntary services in the local area, to provide comprehensive primary care services to a defined population.

PCNs build on existing primary care services and enable greater provision of proactive, personalised, and coordinated health and social care for people close to home.

Over 99% of general practices are part of a PCN who sign up to the Network Contract DES which details our core requirements and entitlements.

What can you expect from your PCN?

Additional healthcare professionals are being recruited to work on behalf of our Beckenham GP practices within the Primary Care Networks.  These roles include Clinical Pharmacists, Mental Health Practitioners, Podiatrists, and Social Prescribing Link Workers.  By introducing a greater skill mix, our patients will have greater access to the support they need to keep people healthy and independent.

What benefits do Primary Care Networks have for patients?

  • They offer a larger range of care services that well be close to patients' homes, as well as improved access
  • PCNs work with a wider range of health and community services, for example Bromley GP Alliance and Bromley Healthcare
  • Patients will be able to receive support for a more complicated conditions, and will have access to the health and care services that can support them
  • Patients will be able to have more of a role in making decisions around their own health and the care they receive

Watch a short video that explains the concept of PCNs and how this new way of working enables health services to work together to provide better patient access.

Meet our Team

Meet the Primary Care Network team, made up of clinical directors, management, and administrators.

See our Teams page

Meet the team